Wherever you may be on your spiritual path, at Saint Patrick Catholic Parish you will find a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal growth.

Located in the heart of North Park, we are honored to have been a part of the North Park story since 1922. We would love to have your family join the parish community.

Please find the most current announcements as well as live-streamed and recorded Masses on the Parish Facebook.

You do not need a Facebook account to watch the videos; simply click here.                                                                  


Mass Schedule

*Special Mass Schedule information on our bulletin **
Daily Mass: Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM
Saturday: 5:30 PM English
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:30 AM English
1:30 PM Spanish
First & Third Friday, 6:30 PM & Sunday, 1:00 PM (Spanish)
Saturday, 4:30 PM (English)

Click image below 

Weekly Prayers Information:

Tuesday, 5:00 - 6:30 PM:  Prayers for Peace.
Wednesday, 5:00-6:30 PM: Legion of Mary (Parish office, Rm 2).
First Friday, 8:30-10:00 AM:  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour for Vocations, Benediction.
First & Third Fridays, 7:00-8:00 PM (Spanish):  Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour, Benediction.
First Saturday, 8:30-9:15 AM:  Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima (Rosary and meditation on the mysteries).
Fourth Saturday, 8:30-9:30 AM: Contemplative Holy Hour w/Knights of Columbus.
Fifth Sunday, 10:30-11:00 AM: Rosary w/Knights of Columbus.
Sunday, 12:30 PM:  Flame of Love Rosary.



Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Closed on Weekends & the following dates:
Thursday through Monday, April 17-21
Monday, May 26
Thursday, June 19
Friday, July 4
Monday, September 1
Monday, October 13
Tuesday, November 11
Thursday & Friday, November 27 & 28
December 24 through January 1

Reporting Sexual Abuse / Reporte Abuso Sexual

Complaints about sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish member or Catholic school employee or volunteer can be made by contacting / Quejas acerca de abuso sexual por miembros del clero o de la parroquia, o empleados de escuelas Catolicas o voluntarios puede ser hecha llamando: 

Lisa Petronis, (858) 490-8353.

Report Abuse

Victim Assistance

Office of the Auxiliary Bishops and the Diocesan Immigration Task Force

Assistance for Undocumented People: Catholic Charities has developed a webpage in English and Spanish:
The page serves to provide reliable information, such as rights, how to find detained people how to create a plan, like having a Power of Attorney in case something happens, and other resources.

Healthy Youth

Youth Health Education to assist parents with information & resources:
Sex Education - Healthy Youth Act 

Help & Healing - Suicide Awareness