Registration for Adult Sacrament Classes Online: August 2-September 14
First Day of Class: September 14 at 10:30 AM at the Parish Office
Sacramental Preparation for Adults OCIA-English Class In-person
Registrations are closed now. Please come back next year in June for registration information
Make sure you have our email information in your contacts since we send important information by email
Aida Rodriguez Ocana - - 619-2952157- ext 2
One School-Year Program
Cost: $200 Non-Refundable
You will need to provide:
Birth Certificate, if you haven't been Baptized
Baptism Certificate
First Communion Certificate
Proof of Payment
*The student's Godparent/Sponsor needs to provide proof of their Sacraments (Baptism, First Communion & Confirmation)
**We reserve the right to increase Stipends without previous notice**